1 January 2014

New Year, New Me

Happy New Year everybody! I hope 2014 will be an excellent year of the horse, bringing prosperity, love and luck towards me.... HUAT AH!

Ok enough with the Chinese New Year references. I'm always super enthusiastic for CNY. I love the loud songs, the random firecrackers, huge illegal fireworks, open houses, ang pau (red packet) and yummy snacks like bak kua (dried pork), cornflakes biscuits and milk balls! I especially can't wait for February: a long holiday, my boyfriend's birthday and the birth of his nephew.


New Year's Resolutions:
1. Be a better and kinder person to everyone, even people I hate. Remove my negative chi and stop being so passive  aggressive and cb

2. Learn to cook, and that doesn't mean add veg to my instant noodles. Learn to make Gazpacho soup, spaghetti bolognaise and even bake a cake

3. Save up RM1000 and put it in my savings account

4. Successfully start a clothing line with Elvin and be the best manager I can be

5. Have a long-lasting meaningful relationship with Elvin, and try not to fight over trivial matters

6. Get my driver's license.

7. Watch a musical in Singapore.

8. Get a modeling or a commercial gig.

9. Make new friends and keep them!

10. Blog more, at least once a week.

Hoping that everything will go rather smoothly this year, and I get into Lasalle! I'm 18 this year, wow time flies. Just a minute ago I was a gawky 13 year old in ny first year of high school.... now I'm a gawky 17 year old leaving high school.


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